Our Guarantees

Stardust Shilohs strives to make sure you receive a healthy Shiloh puppy. Our guarantees are generally summarized below.

Health Guarantee

Stardust Shilohs health guarantees against:

  • Hip dysplasia, determined by OFA or PennHip examination and certification up to 30 months of age;
  • Genetic or congenital defects apparent by 30 months of age (substantiated by veterinary documentation), that will adversely affect the puppy’s longevity or quality of life.

If these unfortunate health problems arise, we will provide you a puppy of equal or greater value. We do not require you to return your puppy, unless you are unable to provide the care and attention it may require as it matures.


Stardust Shilohs pedigree guarantee:

  • We guarantee all Stardust Shiloh puppies’ proof of parentage with a DNA test administered through the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California at Davis.

Stardust Shilohs temperament guarantee:

  • We do not guarantee temperament. Temperament is determined by genetics and environment. Many times puppies develop temperament problems as a result of the way they are raised by their owners. Since we have no control over the environment in which a puppy is raised, we cannot guarantee its temperament. We encourage socialization and basic obedience training starting no later than 16 weeks of age, and are always available to discuss your puppy’s behavior and offer guidance. Consistent and continuous training are rewarding for both you and your puppy, and help insure development of a well-tempered dog.

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  • As always, for more information on our pups, contracts, guarantees, Shilohs or any other questions you may have, please [contact us].
  • “We are stardust. We are golden. And we`ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”joni mitchell